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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Cont, NO PEBBLE MINE, 201-300: Pictures from Ground Zero by Robert Glenn Ketchum

Continued... No Pebble Mine #201-300

NO PEBBLE MINE Pictures from Ground Zero
by Robert Glenn Ketchum

Since 1998, I have been working to protect the spectacular resources of southwest Alaska and the fishery of Bristol Bay. Two Aperture books, a national traveling exhibition, a massive coalition of concerned users, and a lot of personal lobbying, had it looking like we were almost there. Then Donald Trump took office claiming he would always put America, and American jobs first. SO WHY destroy a BILLION-dollar-a-year, RENEWABLE salmon fishery and over 100,000 jobs for a group of international mineral speculators that will leave us with a Superfund site to clean up, and NO fishery left edible? And yet, he did,..so please, keep saying NO TO THE PEBBLE MINE!
~Robert Glenn Ketchum

Tuesday, June 12, 2018 

NO PEBBLE MINE #300, Pictures from Ground Zero
NO PEBBLE MINE #300:  I am writing a blog about NO PEBBLE MINE, but when I put up pictures like this of Wood-Tikchik State Park, I am trying to point out that this blog’s overall purpose is to “enlighten” those that may be unfamiliar with the ENTIRE area of Southwest, because everything out there is closely interconnected. I want readers to realize what a remarkable and INTACT habitat this is, like few other places on Earth. In this blog, I HAVE posted a picture of the ACTUAL mine site, #30, but that exact location has little to do with the overall impact of the Pebble project that will be more expansive. Returning to this image as an example, Tikchik is a good distance from the mine site, BUT major rivers flowing from Tikchik to the fishery of Bristol Bay, pass below other rivers draining from the proposed mine site. The Pebble Mine is not JUST a pit complex, either. The supportive road system would directly impact Lake Clark National Park, and Lake Iliamna - one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. I also want readers to understand that other parts of these connected habitats might experience “collateral damage.” Bristol BayKatmaiWood-Tikchik, and Togiak all SHARE pristine air quality, and the rivers they host are some of the most bio-diverse freshwaters in the U.S. To generate power for the Pebble mine, the mine will also dig and burn coal. Burning coal not only contaminates air quality, it puts mercury particles into it, which rain back down into the groundwater system, affecting ALL the lakes and rivers. If you want to argue about the “footprint” of the mine, you need to understand the ENTIRE footprint. You cannot be selective, or A LOT OF JOBS THAT ALREADY EXIST, WILL BE LOST because of the mine!
photograph(s) © copyright, ROBERT GLENN KETCHUM, 2018, @RbtGlennKetchum @LittleBearProd @NRDC @OrvisFlyFishing #NoPebbleMine #LittleBearProd

Follow Robert Glenn Ketchum's Photographic Activism Online:
SOCIAL MEDIA by #LittleBearProd: @LittleBearProd


Friday, June 1, 2018

Cont #1-100: The Daze of My Life: Robert Glenn Ketchum, An Autobiography


The Daze of My Life:  Robert Glenn Ketchum, An Autobiography

Biographies are studies of someone's life based on cumulative research. Good ones may reveal something, but probably barely scratch the surface of what actually went on. The internet is allowing me to do something VERY different. 
~Robert Glenn Ketchum

Friday, June 1, 2018

The Daze of My Life:  Robert Glenn Ketchum, An Autobiography #100:
Daze, #100:  Back in LA, my proposed landscape exhibit now fully-funded thanks to an amazing “mini preview” staged in the foyer of the White House, I turn my attention to the other curatorial projects I have organized, while serving as Director of the Los Angeles Center for Photographic Studies. I still escape out-of-state for occasional shoots to further my personal work and the stories I am publishing in POWDER magazine, but I continue to visit Three Rivers, as well, taking advantage of the use of a client’s home, while exploring the area, particularly Sequoia National Park. After many visits, my friends I have learned some “secrets” about how to enjoy the park. Spring is an especially desirable time. It may snow daily in the big trees, which makes for great skiing, BUT the days are warming, and spring is coming to the Three Rivers valley floor, and the steep slopes of the Kaweah River as it flows through the park. The spring bloom brings forth wildflowers, and a profusion of blossoming trees and bushes that decorate the vertical hillsides of the Kaweah Gorge as it parallels the steeply ascending, switchback road into the Sequoia groves. One sunny afternoon, following a great morning of skiing up higher, friends and I stop at a pull-out on the road down, to have a view into the gorge. EVERYTHING is flowering, the sun is inviting, and my friends and I decide to take a hike,..over the side, and DOWN.
photograph(s) © copyright, ROBERT GLENN KETCHUM, 2018 
@RbtGlennKetchum @LittleBearProd #LittleBearProd

SOCIAL MEDIA by @LittleBearProd: http://www.LittleBearProd.com

Orvis Supports No Pebble Mine

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