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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sustainable Seafood

Thanks to Ashley Koff Approved (AKA) for the nod on Good Morning America & HuffPost!
http://ht.ly/2kyS5 #rgk #no-pebble:

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AKA Talks Sustainable Seafood on Good Morning America (VIDEO)
by Ashley Koff, Dietitian, AshleyKoffApproved, AOL Wellness Expert, GMA Health, Best LA nutritionists 3 years (Posted: August 3, 2010 04:44pm)

This spring, a confluence of events has exponentially increased my passion for saving our oceans, and those that inhabit them. I was invited to Monterrey Bay Aquarium (if you've never been, run there ASAP!) for their annual media conference on Sustainable Seafood (Cooking Solutions). 

I learned so much about the innovative and intensive efforts that chefs, food companies and farmers are doing to save and improve our waters. In April, I held a panel for the media on Fish Oil/Omega 3 supplementation as a means to explore what's good (purity), what's different (wild Alaskan salmon oil versus Peruvian anchovy and sardines) and how should we define "sustainable."

Did you know that 30 percent of fish caught today goes to making fish meal/fish oil -- which largely goes to feeding farmed fish and livestock. In May, I attended an evening at the NRDC where I met and listened to greats such as lawyer Robert Kennedy Jr., photographer Robert Glenn Ketchum, and a native Alaskan gentlemen speak on the threats to Alaskan waters, all the salmon, and even American liberties presented by the impending Pebble (gold/copper) Mine seeking to open at the top of Bristol Bay. Last month, I had the trip of a lifetime to Bristol Bay, Alaska (the Royal Coachman Lodge specifically) to see the wild salmon run. I've become an avid fly fisherwoman (this bespeaks nothing of my talent, but that's why I like fly fishing, it's not something one does to "get good"). Catching, holding and releasing these fish, watching the bears, moose, eagles and flies all vie for Mother Nature's attention -- well it's impactful on the psyche and in my case, the profession.

Which leads me to Seafood Watch and my generous teachers at Monterrey Bay Aquarium (remember, I said run there soon!). They've worked so hard to give us a great gift -- not only to help raise awareness of what sustainable seafood is, but give us tools to "walk the walk" or better said "buy the right catch." Today, in my segment on GMA Health, I attempted to synthesize their information and tools to show you how, like me, if you choose to eat seafood, you can make the sustainable choice.

Buying and eating the right seafood does make a difference, as does telling chefs and local markets about the Seafood Watch program (Trout Unlimited calls this "voting with your fork.") Another great way to support sustainable seafood is to join me in signing on to a letter to our government imploring them to intervene and stop Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska -- unlike the Gulf "spill" -- letting this happen would be no accident and the resulting dumping of waste/toxins, habitat destruction, and long-term job losses for Alaskans will be epic. Learn more at:  www.whywild.org and www.savebristolbay.org

Thanks to AKA for the nod on Good Morning America & HuffPost! http://ht.ly/2kyS5 #rgk #no-pebble

Orvis Supports No Pebble Mine

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